» Read Online Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles Ronan Boyle #1 edition by Thomas Lennon John Hendrix Children eBooks
Jared Hunter on Sunday, 2 June 2019
Read Online Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles Ronan Boyle #1 edition by Thomas Lennon John Hendrix Children eBooks

Product details - File Size 10144 KB
- Print Length 308 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1419734911
- Publisher Amulet Books (March 5, 2019)
- Publication Date March 5, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles Ronan Boyle #1 edition by Thomas Lennon John Hendrix Children eBooks Reviews
- Full disclosure This is my brother's book, although I have to admit I still think it is HILARIOUS! So So funny, well written and entertaining on every level definitely for BOTH kids and adults. My ten year old son is obsessed with J.K. Rowling books, and he says "Ronan Boyle and the Bridge of Riddles is a funny, unique, and a really cool book. This book is as good as the Harry Potter series, which are my FAVORITE books of all time. I think the leprechaun pickle parlor farting part was really, really, really funny."
- This was a very enjoyable piece of work. I expect to see more from Mr Lennon.
I especially enjoyed his comical use footnotes, and on several occasions laughed so hard I forgot what I was reading.
I also enjoyed how he introduced an annoying character and quickly killed him off. I actually felt a sigh of relief knowing that the annoying boy in the book was dead. I have found that often a character is poorly placed or forced into a book. This particular character was forced in and essentially marched back out in a pleasing way.
I'd like to think he enjoyed writing this book, and I truly hope he enjoys writing a second.
I think this book would be a great gift for nieces, nephews, and other children who are literate.
Lastly, I mispronounced the word shillelagh in my head for the first 3/4 of the book. - I read it aloud to my wife and son over a few days, and we all loved it. I'll admit to being a bit doubtful going in; after all, actor-turns-author doesn't always work out. But Mr. Lennon does a spectacular job, and the story is laugh-out-loud funny and imaginative the whole way through. The "Rowling meets Adams" hype may be overselling things a bit; while their influence is felt, neither the characters nor the plot are as deep in Ronan Boyle as in the works of those authors – not yet, at least. And RB ends on a cliffhanger, at a point that would just be halfway or so through a Harry Potter book, with some seemingly important characters not yet having had a chance to do very much. Presumably, this will be resolved in the (can't come soon enough) sequels. Also, if the publisher thinks Americans know so little of Irish/UK terminology as to have to include footnotes that translate "lift" into "elevator" and whatnot, it's baffling that there isn't a pronunciation guide for the many Irish/Gaelic words that are difficult for some of us to decipher. As far as complaints go, though... that's about it. Minor stuff, ultimately. Ronan Boyle is delightful and highly recommended. We loved it.
- I am enjoying the heck out of this book. I can see and hear all of the characters very distinctly. Adults and young and old with vivid imaginations who long to believe that faerie folk are real will enjoy this.
- I read it and my 12 year old daughter read it. We both loved it. I told my wife it reminded me of Harry Potter mixed with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and when I finished it saw on the back cover that apparently Weird Al agrees with me. Buy this book, you won't regret it.
- It wasn’t funny. I never even cracked a smile or smirk. It is one of those “ try too hard†adult trying to be funny children’s books. And i can’t imagine a 15 yr old liking this book. Maybe an 8 yr old, but no older.
- I laughed out loud. The writing style is manically perfect. The thoughts and actions of the main character are witty, endearing and downright superb.
The one downside is that it ends as a cliffhanger. And now I must wait for the next book. Impatiently. - It's like a more fun Irish Harry Potter, pre-movie franchise too so you don't feel like 'have I read this already'? Plus... Thomas Lennon wrote it, so of course buy it ye vast daft eejit.