» Read The Great Book of Ireland Interesting Stories Irish History Random Facts About Ireland History Fun Facts 1 eBook Bill O'Neill
Jared Hunter on Saturday, 1 June 2019
Read The Great Book of Ireland Interesting Stories Irish History Random Facts About Ireland History Fun Facts 1 eBook Bill O'Neill

Product details - File Size 1790 KB
- Print Length 178 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1798649594
- Publication Date March 2, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

The Great Book of Ireland Interesting Stories Irish History Random Facts About Ireland History Fun Facts 1 eBook Bill O'Neill Reviews
- Author Bill O’Neill has a definite proficiency when it comes to compiling the myriad of useful and educational trivia books he’s published so far. While all of them have been meticulously organized to enhance the reading experience, his Great Book of the various states series I feel is his best since they each epitomizes how great America already is.
In each of his Great State books the author sticks to a proven format which consists of the following six chapters [albeit the order might be somewhat different]
In each of the six chapters this book contains
1- State’s History
2- State’s Pop Culture
3- State’s Attractions
4- State’s Inventions, Ideas and More
5- State’s Biggest Haunts, Supernatural and Other Weird Facts
6- State’s Sports
Mr. O’Neill begins each chapter by taking an item regarding its topic and gives his readers a brief, yet informative description of about it, this is followed by some random facts, which is then culminated by his giving some questions related to the information which the chapter has just given, naturally the answers are given as well.
With six states already written, Mr. O’Neill has decided to move on to writing books on an International level; and what country had he chosen to write about first. I believe, he has befittingly chosen to write about the country of his apparent ancestry, that of Ireland; and in doing so, has chosen to stick to this same format. And to get an idea of the multitude of items the author has written about, all one needs to do is to read the author’s own description, or better yet, peruse the preview pages for a complete listing of the topics being discussed in the pages of this book.
For given his readers and myself, an enlightening trivia book about the country and people of Ireland, without giving any blarney in the process, I’m happy to give the author, Bill O’Neill, the 5 STAR he’s receiving. - Great book full of lots of interesting and fascinating facts about the Emerald Isle. The book is well-organized, filled with lots of useful trivia. The writing was plain and straight-forward written, which I did enjoy, though some might think it was written at a too level for them. I did not. I do not like being overwhelmed with esoteric facts, phrases or vocabulary, which I have to stop to puzzle over. One thing that did distract me were the many grammatical and copy writing errors, which makes me wonder why the author did not use an editor for his book—or find someone to go through it with a fine-tooth comb to clean up some of the errors. My own background is not Irish, but my husband’s background is, so I took this opportunity to share some of the information I gleaned with the grand-kids and their parents on St. Patrick’s Day. In my opinion, it made the day just a little bit better. I hope to keep the book and use it whenever I am looking for something different, or whenever I am trying to help the family learn more about their heritage. I received this from Library Thing to read and review.
- I have read and reviewed many books by this author, and one common theme is the ease in which you read them. There are no unnessary or intentionally hard words to understand, and the writing is very straightforward. You learn quite a bit about Ireland in reading this book, and it's humorous as well. You will enjoy reading it. Recommended.
- This book will get you in the mood for St.Patrick's Day. I discovered many things about Ireland I didn't know. My only problem with this book was a few editing errors, but they didn't take away from the book overall just slowed my reading down in about three or four spots. One thing that this book did was give me a glance into the rich history of Ireland and make me want to go there for a visit. I think I will enjoy St. Patrick's day a little bit more this year.
- Let me start off by saying I just love Bill O'Neill's kindle books. liked so many things about the Great Book of Ireland that there are too many to list. But... here a few Halloween originated in Ireland. I got to admit I didn’t see that one coming. Also that Ireland is the only country in the world to have a Harp a musical instrument as their National Symbol. I thought like most people would that they would have a Shamrock instead. And last but not least My favorite James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan was born there. That’s it from me if you want to know more and believe there is a lot more you will just have to read the book.
- This book contains so many interesting fact about everything Irish. My genetic background is Irish and I was amazed at all the things I learned about Ireland and the Irish people that I would not have known without this book. Fascinating to learn how many things in America that were invented, made and brought to America by the Irish people. Loved reading every page!
- I enjoyed reading about Irish trivia. I thought I know quite a lot, but this book went into areas I had not considered. I wish more had been written about western Ireland because of family connections, but at least my curiosity is primed for research on my own.
- This book does have some interesting and fun info, but it is also so full of typos, exclamation points, question marks and the like, that it makes one wonder how accurate the information is. It is also written at about a 5th-grade reading level.