» PDF Tomboy eBook Suzana Thompson
Jared Hunter on Sunday, 28 April 2019
PDF Tomboy eBook Suzana Thompson

Product details - File Size 575 KB
- Print Length 132 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 1549818597
- Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
- Publication Date March 26, 2015
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

Tomboy eBook Suzana Thompson Reviews
- Let me just start by saying this a generous two stars. As much as the characters could have been enjoyable, they were presented in a poor way. The entire book is made of a lot of telling, in which what I like to call "And then this happened writing" it's where the author gives a lot of useless information in one paragraph. This information is only semi-relevant to the characters or the present situation. The first paragraph even went something like this "I was at my house with my friends. My house was empty a lot. My mom works late. This was normal. I hang out with only guy friends." The rest of the book was a on and off again version of this style. Which doesn't make for a good read.
Beyond that the characters are a bit unrealistic. The girl is annoying for a major part of the book, as for the first part she is an innocent girl who has no clue what sex is and then in the very next part she is sex crazed maniac. While this may not seem like a major deal, its a fast change that goes as far as 'sees butt, now I want sex.' We don't get a lot of the really important factors that are important in a coming-of age novel, which I feel Tomboy tried to be.
The author does a very poor job of building up to important moments like Jake and Cameron's first kiss where Cameron demands the kiss, and so it happens. Jake is also a mess of a character. He is one dimensional, and just plain boring.
The book is free. And if you get it for free, decide for yourself. I wouldn't pay for the book, though. Don't waste your money unless you enjoy one-dimensional characters, and just plan bad writing. None of this is meant to discourage the author, it's just one person's opinion. - Suzana Thompson does an excellent job of capturing the coming of age emotions in Tomboy. Cam has always one of the guys but little does she know her twin brother's best friend, Jake, has more than friendly feelings for her. Sparks fly when she catches Jake in a compromising position in her room. As a tomboy, romance and all the trappings of being a girl have never appealed to Cam. Her parents' divorce and her absent father color her reaction to relationships but her mother is still hopeful for a lifelong love. While Jake has been waiting his entire life for Cam to be on the same page, the young man is what all mature book boyfriends should aspire to be patient, romantic, possessive, loving, and passionate. While the road is sometimes rocky on the way to their relationship, Cam and Jake's story ends in a very satisfying way.
Ms. Thompson capture's Cam's tomboy traits well, I grew up as one so I could relate to her character, and being blindsided by a friend who has romantic feeling? She hit that shocker dead on, as well as the drama of the high school friends and the catty girls who try to break up couples. Ms. Thompson's characters are realistic, the situations real life and the story well paced. There are great family moments with the mom, great banter between the siblings, and with the couple. I'd definitely read more by this author. - This was a story about a young woman who was always one of the boys. Her own sexual awareness was not there. She was a tomboy. Her twin brother was in a relationship with his girlfriend. She just didn't understand what the whole thing was so talked about. Her bf was gay. He was fun to read. Her brother's best friend was always around. But things between them changed when she catches him in her bed with another female. Her awareness changes. How, who and when is the story line. She was a tomboy who now wants to know more about the opposite sex. This will be in my fav album to re-read.
- It's a clean novella, with references to, but no descriptive sex scenes. The protagonist is 17 year old Cameron, who has always been "one of the guys" because she's athletic and not a "girly girl". She hangs out with her twin brother Connor and his friends, most of the same ones they've both had since childhood. Then one day something happens that is a catalyst for her hormonal awakening.
- Jake and Cameron frenemies to love through the years. Loved this story. Jake was was the sweet brothers best friend and Cameron was a Tomboy who loved to annoy him until he stopped coming around.
- It seem rushed in some spots and than not enough in anther it’s ran together and missed some things like it jumped from one thing to anther. Almost like the author rushed this book.
- I really enjoyed reading this coming of age novel. It captured my attention and kept me wanting to read on, to see what would happen next. It was very well written but I feel like the end was rushed. It should either have ended right at high school and had and epilogue, or should have gone more in-depth into what happened after high school.
- Cam is oblivious to boys until she finds Jake in her bedroom. Suddenly everything changes and Cam doesn't know what to do. This is a sweet coming of age book with a delightful conclusion.