PDF The Advent Coloring Calendar A Coloring Book to Bless and DeStress Through the Season Paraclete Press 9781612617657 Books

By Jared Hunter on Friday, 31 May 2019

PDF The Advent Coloring Calendar A Coloring Book to Bless and DeStress Through the Season Paraclete Press 9781612617657 Books

Product details

  • Calendar 64 pages
  • Publisher Paraclete Press; Clr Csm edition (October 1, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1612617654

The Advent Coloring Calendar A Coloring Book to Bless and DeStress Through the Season Paraclete Press 9781612617657 Books Reviews

  • Loved it! A wonderful gift who knows exactly what Advent is all about.
  • Was really hoping for more. Essentially it's just numbers (days) with some design around them and one verse for each day. I was thinking that maybe there would be more than just one verse per day and more about the advent. The numbers representing each day, really take away from the design on each coloring page. It is also a smaller coloring book. I might send mine back.
  • Great coloring opportunity. Very pleasant to color by candlelight during this season
  • A very creative and relaxing bible study
  • Very pretty designs, but disappointed it is only the number of that day on a design. Was hoping for something more Christmasy.
  • Not impressed. Who wants to color a number with doodles around it? I ordered three different ones in the series, and may send all three back. I thought at least the art would have something to do with the scripture for the day. Not.
  • If reading one more thing feels like too much in Advent, here is another option. The Advent Coloring Calendar features coloring pages for the 24 days of Advent, each with a brief word of seasonally appropriate scripture, as well as images for Christmas Day and several more that incorporate familiar carol verses. The book is available for single purchase but also comes packaged with two different recordings Keeping Christmas Beloved Carols and the Christmas Story (which includes scripture readings and features a traditional choir with organ) or The Coming of Christ Gregorian Chant (less my cup of tea, but helpful for being less likely to cause me to get lost in singing along).

    If you are a longtime devotee of Praying in Color, you’ll appreciate the quote from Sybil Macbeth, reminding us that coloring causes the “mind and the body to slow down.” Or maybe you are new to the idea of adult coloring books, which you will find for sale this year everywhere from Barnes & Noble to Urban Outfitters. While I always encouraged my children to color outside the lines, I find coloring inside them to be pleasing, relaxing, even comforting. Think of coloring as a mini-Advent retreat in a season when we are far too likely to be goal-oriented, whether it’s finding that iWatch or writing that sermon.

    I received a copy of the book and both CDs from Paraclete Press in exchange for an honest review.
  • I love the simplicity of these designs and the brief meditative words. As a busy mom this is perfect for me. I can complete the page each day because it is simple and meditate on the verse or prayer and carry it with be through the day. This would also be great to use as a family...put the book out on the kitchen table with pencils or markers and everyone can color some of the design for the day and count down to Christmas. I think that is what I will do.
More aboutPDF The Advent Coloring Calendar A Coloring Book to Bless and DeStress Through the Season Paraclete Press 9781612617657 Books

PDF Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

By Jared Hunter

PDF Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

Download As PDF : Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

Download PDF Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

Kathrine Switzer changed the world of running. This narrative biography follows Kathrine from running laps as a girl in her backyard to becoming the first woman to run the Boston Marathon with official race numbers in 1967. Her inspirational true story is for anyone willing to challenge the rules.

The compelling collage art adds to the kinetic action of the story. With tension and heart, this biography has the influential power to get readers into running. An excellent choice for sports fans, New Englanders, young dreamers, and competitive girls and boys alike.

PDF Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

"Her Fearless Run tells the story of Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. Kathrine loved to run, even though most people of her time believed women were incapable of long distance running. Young readers will be inspired to follow their dreams after reading Kathrine's story. Ellen Rooney's gorgeous illustrations complement the text perfectly. A must have for any classroom or library."

Product details

  • Age Range 8 - 11 years
  • Grade Level 3 - 4
  • Hardcover 40 pages
  • Publisher Page Street Kids (April 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1624146546

Read Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

Tags : Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer's Historic Boston Marathon [Kim Chaffee, Ellen Rooney] on . Kathrine Switzer changed the world of running. This narrative biography follows Kathrine from running laps as a girl in her backyard to becoming the first woman to run the Boston Marathon with official race numbers in 1967. Her inspirational true story is for anyone willing to challenge the rules. The compelling collage art adds to the kinetic action of the story. With tension and heart,Kim Chaffee, Ellen Rooney,Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer’s Historic Boston Marathon,Page Street Kids,1624146546,Biographies,Marathon running - United States,Marathon running;United States;Biography.,Switzer, Kathrine,Women runners - United States,Women runners;United States;Biography;Juvenile literature.,103405 Page Street Children's Hardcover,Biography Autobiography / Women,CHILDREN'S BIOGRAPHY / HISTORICAL,CHILDREN'S BIOGRAPHY / SPORTS,JUVENILE,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Biography Autobiography / Sports Recreation,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Biography Autobiography / Women,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Sports Recreation / Track Field,Juvenile Grades 3-4 Ages 8-9,Juvenile Non-Fiction,Juvenile Nonfiction/Biography Autobiography - Women,Juvenile Nonfiction/Sports Recreation - Track Field,Massachusetts,Pictorial treatment,Picture Book,Sports Recreation / Track Field,United States

Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books Reviews :

Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books Reviews

  • This is such an empowering book for young girls and teaches young boys about equal rights. I am a marathoner myself, and have twin boys. When reading this book to them, they ask so many questions about why girls were not supposed to run, and they follow up with "you run all the time". "I can't believe that girls were not supposed too." This book is a must read for all young children. This will help teach your child to never give up on their dreams, and to go after any goals they have despite what others say or think. Kim Chaffee did an outstanding job sharing Katherine Switzer's story! This book really keeps children engaged and you can see their wheels spinning while learning about equal rights. A truly inspiring and empowering read!
  • Her Fearless Run tells the story of Kathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially run the Boston Marathon. Kathrine loved to run, even though most people of her time believed women were incapable of long distance running. Young readers will be inspired to follow their dreams after reading Kathrine's story. Ellen Rooney's gorgeous illustrations complement the text perfectly. A must have for any classroom or library.
  • A skillfully told tale of perseverance and inner (and outer) strength, HER FEARLESS RUN is an uplifting book that had me cheering from page one. The emotion-filled yet approachable illustrations complement the text beautifully, bringing an extra depth to the story. This book is perfect for the classroom and home and is sure to inspire kids (and adults) to go for what they want to accomplish.
  • Inspiring story. Wonderfully written. Great picture book biography!
  • One of the the most powerful and moving picture book biographies that I've ever read. LOVE the way Kim Chaffee paints the picture of Katherine Switzer's dream to run the Boston Marathon.
  • This inspirational true story about Kathrine Switzer is exceptionally well written and bursting with heart. It's a perfect pairing of story, style, and gorgeous illustrations, with a real life character kids will care about and a rewarding finish sure to inspire boys and girls alike, even those who aren't familiar with Switzer's story.
  • Kids love picture book biographies and this book will be an excellent addition to school libraries. Boys and girls will be inspired by Kathryn Switzer's journey and Kim Chaffee's energetic text and beautiful illustrations.
  • My kids picked this up and read it after I bought it to donate to our library. They are 11 and 13. Never too old for a picture book.
More aboutPDF Her Fearless Run Kathrine Switzer Historic Boston Marathon Kim Chaffee Ellen Rooney 9781624146541 Books

Read Online Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books

By Jared Hunter

Read Online Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books

Download As PDF : Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books

Download PDF Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books

A definitive collection of railway posters showcasing the history of poster development during the past 120 years. Written in association with Swann Galleries in New York, we take a journey across the United States from the Eastern Seaboard to the Pacific Coast. The result is a stunning artistic guide to American destinations and their railway poster heritage.

Read Online Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books


Product details

  • Hardcover 272 pages
  • Publisher Poster to Poster Publishing (September 17, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0857161695

Read Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books

Tags : Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art [Richard Furness] on . <div> A definitive collection of railway posters showcasing the history of poster development during the past 120 years. Written in association with Swann Galleries in New York,Richard Furness,Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art,Poster to Poster Publishing,0857161695,History - General,Railroads - Pictorial,United States - General,ART / History / General,Art,GENERAL,General Adult,History,Non-Fiction,TRANSPORTATION / Railroads / History,TRANSPORTATION / Railroads / Pictorial,TRAVEL / United States / General,Transportation/Railroads - History,Transportation/Railroads - Pictorial,Travel/United States - General

Rails Across America Railway Journeys in Art Richard Furness 9780857161697 Books Reviews :

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Download Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli

By Jared Hunter

Download Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli

Download As PDF : Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli

Download PDF Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli

Al ventiduesimo piano di un condominio di periferia vive un vecchio. Non esce mai, non incontra nessuno, nemmeno i figli o i nipoti lo vanno a trovare. Il mondo che sta là fuori gli è estraneo, eppure lui sente che, pur non avendo più alcun ruolo sociale, la sua esistenza ha ancora un senso. Del resto, che la vecchiaia inizi a sessantacinque anni è una pura convenzione stabilita dalla società fondata esclusivamente sul lavoro e sul denaro. Così si siede davanti a un microfono e, invece di rompere la sua solitudine varcando la porta di casa diretto al bar o ai giardinetti, apre la porta verso l'universo virtuale ed entra nella rete. Con grande "sospetto" e incertezza racconta le sue riflessioni su alcune parole che hanno riempito la sua esistenza. Democrazia, assurdità, bellezza e vecchiaia sono questi i termini attorno a cui costruisce quattro lezioni virtuali. Le sue sono parole al vento o c'è qualcuno disposto ad ascoltarlo? Con un certo stupore il vecchio scopre che il suo pubblico cresce lezione dopo lezione. Abbattuto il muro che lo escludeva da qualsiasi relazione, si rende conto di avere di nuovo una voce. Sa di essere fragile, ma è proprio quella fragilità a renderlo più umano. Nella dimensione del "noi" che emerge a poco a poco, capisce che l'unica cosa che conta davvero è il presente e che "vivere non è parlare, ma correre da chi ha bisogno". Parole vuote? Parole come semplice rumore? Vittorino Andreoli mette in scena in queste sue nuove pagine un teatro della verità a tratti autobiografico. Smaschera i pregiudizi del nostro tempo, che considera la vecchiaia come l'età della vergogna, dimenticando che la fragilità del vecchio è la rappresentazione della condizione umana, del significato stesso dell'uomo nel mondo.

Download Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli


Product details

  • File Size 340 KB
  • Publisher RIZZOLI (January 15, 2019)
  • Publication Date January 15, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language Italian

Read Il rumore delle parole Italian Edition eBook Vittorino Andreoli

Tags : Buy Il rumore delle parole (Italian Edition) Read Reviews - ,ebook,Vittorino Andreoli,Il rumore delle parole (Italian Edition),RIZZOLI

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Download Mute Icons A Pressing Dichotomy in Contemporary Architecture Spina Marcelo Huljich Georgina 9781945150869 Books

By Jared Hunter

Download Mute Icons A Pressing Dichotomy in Contemporary Architecture Spina Marcelo Huljich Georgina 9781945150869 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 310 pages
  • Publisher Actar (July 1, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1945150866

More aboutDownload Mute Icons A Pressing Dichotomy in Contemporary Architecture Spina Marcelo Huljich Georgina 9781945150869 Books

Download PDF Einstein Unfinished Revolution The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum Lee Smolin

By Jared Hunter on Thursday, 30 May 2019

Download PDF Einstein Unfinished Revolution The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum Lee Smolin

Product details

  • File Size 9262 KB
  • Print Length 352 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1594206198
  • Publisher Penguin Press (April 9, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 9, 2019
  • Sold by Penguin Group (USA) LLC
  • Language English

Einstein Unfinished Revolution The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum Lee Smolin Reviews

  • Lee Smolin is one of the most fun quantum theorists to read. He is among a handful of popular writers who have done important research in quantum theory and quantum gravity (such as it is). He doesn't write books just to write a book, but aims to move the bleeding (and I mean bleeding) edge of physics theory forward in a way that brings the general reader along too. That is a true feat. From my point of view as a quantum physicist (and sometime popular book author) who doesn't work in quantum gravity, I always find his books educational and extremely thought provoking.

    The new book is a surprisingly personal exposition of Smolin's lifelong attempts to find a key to unifying quantum theory and gravity (general relativity), a task Einstein famously failed at. Smolin concludes that both of these theories need to be thrown out (while keeping their main messages intact) and an entirely new theory found. He tells us his deepest ideas about how to do that. It borders on a natural philosophy of the world, but from a very abstract point of view.

    Smolin explains clearly why he (and everyone else) has failed so far, and tries very hard and sincerely to point to a set of basic principles of nature (which may or may not be true), which may or may not provide a basis for a new theory.

    A weakness is that he describes the choice of realist/anti-realist viewpoints too simply. He seems to say that anyone who doesn't accept that physics is nonlocal must be an anti-realist and must think the world doesn't exist until someone looks at it. But that is only one way to view the implications of experimental violations of Bell inequalities, which forces us to accept that the combination of locality, realism and 'free will' (ability to choose independently which quantities will be measured) can't exist. There are more than two ways to unpack that conclusion (all of them murky).

    A brave, elegant, and thought-provoking book for the lay reader, and the 'lay scientist.'
  • This book begins by arguing clearly and passionately that science has lost touch with reality, in the most literal sense, and hat we need to do better. But it reminds me of debates going on in Silicon Valley, where people realize that their past way of doing business is becoming ever less viable (not to mention Terminator threats) but end up funding innumerate salesmen of "principles for a people-centered internet" and folks who would paint happy faces representing love on the hard metal hulls of killer drones. The problem part is real, but where is the solution? How could we mobilize a bit better to really address this issue of reality, in reality?
    It may be that Smolin and 'tHooft are the best hope we now have for allowing that to be possible. The Financial Times review of the book was exciting to me. But could it be that physics has simply become too complex to allow real fundamental progress, given the growing issues in political environments and cultures all over the world at the same time? Smolin hints that his call to action is important to saving science itself in the face of those issues.
    He tries VERY hard to explain the issues the issues without any equations. It was somewhat amusing to me where he tried to explain a kind of Bell state, two entangled photons, as a Lesbian couple which is committed to disagreeing about absolutely everything. He then weaves a great story about where the Einstein-Bohr debate comes from, but makes it a bit too interesting, in my view, when he attacks some people (Von Neumann and Wheeler especially) in a way which overstates the case. How can he call Wheeler anti-realist, when he is a kind of author of the Everett-Wheeler theory of physics? The book does discuss that theory later on, and gets into the nitty-gritty later on. In fact, the book does get around to mentioning a number of important issues which people need to know more about.
    What should we actually DO to get back to viable realistic theories in physics? For awhile, he seems to say that the later ideas of Bohm already give a workable solution able to predict everything, but the words made me a bit skeptical. If the branching pilot waves are just a backdoor approach to reinventing Everett and Wheeler, what kind of magical particles could make Bohm 2 any better? It made me look to google scholar, where I found just one paper by Bohm that might make it clear Bohm, D. J., & Hiley, B. J. (1982). The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it. Foundations of Physics, 12(10), 1001-1016.. But it is behind a pay wall.
    He also gives a list of five ideas that might be an alternative (a few pages each), but doesn't get into the kind of detail which TODAY is being tested in hard core quantum optics, in really physical measurements with implications for electronics and photonics. The real challenge here is how to bridge the gap between the important higher concerns expressed in this book and the nitty-gritty empirical reality, without getting squashed by a new aggravated form of the same forces which squashed deep learning in computer science from 1974 to 2009. He talks about the need for a confident and driven young graduate student to follow through; well, I was one of those once, but it seems to be a necessary yet insufficient condition.
    That reminds me of how he also attacks Spengler at one point, accusing him of causing chaos. Has he ever read the Decline of the West? Spengler might discourage us from rediscovering reality, more by giving up on the present state of civilization than by giving up on the reality it is losing touch with.
  • I think I'm the target for this book I enjoyed physics in college, and have read about 8 books on quantum gravity. I felt the author glossed over loop quantum gravity without really ever saying why he thought the bloom was off the rose. Also I was puzzled by the assertion that either time or space was fundamental, and the other emergent. Why couldn't they both emerge from some other undiscovered process? That's what I thought this book was going to be about. In the end I got the feeling we are much further away from quantum gravity than I thought. Maybe not in my lifetime.
More aboutDownload PDF Einstein Unfinished Revolution The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum Lee Smolin

Read Online Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa

By Jared Hunter

Read Online Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa

Download As PDF : Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa

Download PDF Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa

Un vent de panique souffle chez Sunako et les quatre resplendissants ! Takenaga, d’ordinaire si raisonnable a décidé de s’inspirer de Kyôhei pour réveiller la bête sauvage qui sommeille en lui… Plus tard, Yuki, l’amie d’enfance de Sunako qui glace quiconque la touche, est de passage à Tokyo pour un rendez-vous amoureux. Et c’est Kyôhei qui finit gelé ! Seule Sunako peut mettre à fin à ce mauvais sort. Mais pour cela, elle va devoir se rapprocher du jeune homme… Vont-ils enfin franchir le pas ?

Read Online Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa


Product details

  • File Size 113328 KB
  • Print Length 162 pages
  • Publisher Pika (March 20, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 20, 2019
  • Language French
  • ASIN B07M93SCB8

Read Yamato Nadeshiko T31 French Edition eBook Tomoko Hayakawa

Tags : Yamato Nadeshiko T31 (French Edition) - edition by Tomoko Hayakawa. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Yamato Nadeshiko T31 (French Edition).,ebook,Tomoko Hayakawa,Yamato Nadeshiko T31 (French Edition),Pika

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Download PDF Wo wir waren Norbert Zähringer 9783498076696 Books

By Jared Hunter

Download PDF Wo wir waren Norbert Zähringer 9783498076696 Books

Product details

  • Hardcover
  • Publisher Rowohlt Verlag GmbH (March 12, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3498076698

More aboutDownload PDF Wo wir waren Norbert Zähringer 9783498076696 Books

Download PDF The RBG Workout 2020 Wall Calendar Bryant Johnson 9781452177106 Books

By Jared Hunter

Download PDF The RBG Workout 2020 Wall Calendar Bryant Johnson 9781452177106 Books

Product details

  • Calendar 24 pages
  • Publisher Chronicle Books (July 23, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1452177104

More aboutDownload PDF The RBG Workout 2020 Wall Calendar Bryant Johnson 9781452177106 Books

Ebook Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Power Systems Rik De Doncker Duco WJ Pulle André Veltman 9789400718357 Books

By Jared Hunter

Ebook Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Power Systems Rik De Doncker Duco WJ Pulle André Veltman 9789400718357 Books

Product details

  • Series Power Systems
  • Hardcover 350 pages
  • Publisher Springer; 1st Edition. edition (January 29, 2020)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9400718357

Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Power Systems Rik De Doncker Duco WJ Pulle André Veltman 9789400718357 Books Reviews

  • Purchsed this item and the accompaying book on Advanced Drives. The back cover of the book states that the book comes with a CD. When you receive the books there are no CDs that accompany them. Left feedback under "packaging " mentioning that CDs were not packed with the shipment. This is now almost a week and I have received NIL reply. Contacted the publisher directly - same result.

    Cannot find any link on , for "Customer Service" to take care of such a situation.

    So order the books if you can forego the CDs that are advertised with the book. Otherwise save your money
More aboutEbook Fundamentals of Electrical Drives Power Systems Rik De Doncker Duco WJ Pulle André Veltman 9789400718357 Books

PDF Hypothalamus Guide to Hormones the Limbic System and the Brain Audible Audio Edition Quinn Spencer Eric Boozer Books

By Jared Hunter on Wednesday, 29 May 2019

PDF Hypothalamus Guide to Hormones the Limbic System and the Brain Audible Audio Edition Quinn Spencer Eric Boozer Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 1 hour and 13 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Quinn Spencer
  • Audible.com Release Date February 28, 2019
  • Language English, English

More aboutPDF Hypothalamus Guide to Hormones the Limbic System and the Brain Audible Audio Edition Quinn Spencer Eric Boozer Books

Read Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandbücher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books

By Jared Hunter

Read Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandbücher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books

Download As PDF : Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandbücher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books

Download PDF Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandb&uumlcher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books

This volume presents current research and fundamental insights concerning a broadly applicable and important theme in educational policy the evaluation, review, assessment, and observation of the status of language development in German as a second

Read Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandbücher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books


Product details

  • Series DaZ-Handbücher (Book 2)
  • Hardcover 646 pages
  • Publisher De Gruyter Mouton (March 18, 2019)
  • Language German
  • ISBN-10 3110419785

Read Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandb&uumlcher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books

Tags : Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch (DaZ-Handbücher) (German Edition) (9783110419788) Stefan Jeuk Books,Stefan Jeuk,Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch (DaZ-Handbücher) (German Edition),De Gruyter Mouton,3110419785,Linguistics - General,Deutsch als Zweitsprache; Sprachdiagnostik; Mehrsprachigkeit,Education,LANGUAGE ARTS DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General,Language,Language Arts Disciplines,Non-Fiction,Readings/Anthologies/Collected Works,Scholarly/Graduate,Study and teaching,TEXT,Western Europe

Sprachdiagnostik Deutsch Als Zweitsprache Ein Handbuch DaZHandbücher German Edition Stefan Jeuk Books Reviews :

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Ebook Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books

By Jared Hunter

Ebook Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books

Download As PDF : Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books

Download PDF Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel &acircge!? Journal D&#39anniversaire Dr&ocircle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu&#39une Carte D&#39anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books

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Ebook Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books


Product details

  • Paperback 106 pages
  • Publisher Independently published (March 20, 2019)
  • Language French
  • ISBN-10 1091066345

Read Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel &acircge!? Journal D&#39anniversaire Dr&ocircle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu&#39une Carte D&#39anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books

Tags : Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier. Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! (French Edition) (9781091066342) Karlon Douglas, Level Up Designs Books,Karlon Douglas, Level Up Designs,Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier. Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! (French Edition),Independently published,1091066345,JUVENILE NONFICTION / Language Arts / Journal Writing,Juvenile Nonfiction / Holidays Celebrations / Birthdays

Joyeux 11e Anniversaire Tu as quel âge!? Journal D'anniversaire Drôle ou un Cahier Mieux Qu'une Carte D'anniversaire! French Edition Karlon Douglas Level Up Designs Books Reviews :

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Download Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Jared Hunter

Download Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download As PDF : Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

Download PDF Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1  edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

I was just your normal twenty-something with seven associate degrees and no idea what I wanted to do with my life. That is, until I died… Well, almost.

As if a near-death experience at the hands of an old coffeemaker wasn’t embarrassing enough, I woke up to find I could talk to animals. Or rather one animal in particular.

His full name is Octavius Maxwell Ricardo Edmund Frederick Fulton, but since that’s way too long for anyone to remember, I’ve taken to calling him Octo-Cat. He talks so fast he can be difficult to understand, but seems to be telling me that his late owner didn’t die of natural causes like everyone believes.

Well, now it looks like I no longer have a choice, apparently my life calling is to serve as Blueberry Bay’s first ever pet whisperer P.I while maintaining my façade as a paralegal at the offices of Fulton, Thompson & Associates.

I just have one question How did Dr. Doolittle make this gig look so easy?


"Need a quick pick me up with an adorable talking cat who helps solve crimes? It’s here! Molly Fitz does not disappoint in this cute start to a brand new series. I’m already hooked and picking up the next book. Do yourself a favor and spend some time in Blueberry Bay. It’s so fun and cute you’ll wish you had a talking cat of your own." ~ New York Times Bestselling Author, Addison Moore

"Molly Fitz's debut novel, KITTY CONFIDENTIAL, is a fantastic start to a new series. Molly has not only provided a fun, fast-paced mystery, she's also brought great characters to life. I enjoyed spending time in her world, and I look forward to future books in the series!" ~ Misty Bane, Author of the Blackwood Bay Witches Cozy Mysteries

"KITTY CONFIDENTIAL is such a fun escape that leaves the reader completely satisfied but craving more. I couldn’t help but fall in love with Octo-Cat, and I look forward to Angie’s next curious adventure... A must-read for cozy lovers and mystery lovers alike!" ~ Poppy Bolton, Author of the Katie Chance Cozy Mysteries

"Molly Fitz hits her first cozy mystery out of the park. KITTY CONFIDENTIAL is a great read - fast and fun and is the promising first book in what should be a terrific series." ~ Ronnie Roberts, Author of The Complete Bootcamp for Fiction Writers

“Oh, my whiskers. This was. So. Much. Fun!!! I am a big fan of cozy mysteries, especially quirky ones with pets. And this one was a gooood one! I doted on Octo-Cat! I adored Angie! The book has a very light-hearted tone that I loved. I loveloveloved it!” ~ Nadine V

“Amazing cozy mystery! I would give it six stars if I could! I absolutely loved this book… and I loved the voice of Octo-Cat! I’m not sure I really want to know what cats think, but I am pretty sure they would say things like Octo-Cat!” ~ Candace

Download Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

"I usually have a fairly easy time suspending disbelief, especially in a talking animal mystery, but this one was over the top. It reminded me of a very inexperienced author's work. The cat protagonist was not particularly likable. The human protagonist seemed very ditzy. The storyline made very little sense. Angie is electrocuted and the result is an ability to hear animals. Okay, I can buy that. Then a cat, who just inherited a lot of money, tells her that his owner was murdered. Okay. Then Angie rushes back from the hospital to talk to the cat and asks to have custody of the wealthy cat, which she is given without a second thought. Then she and the cat break into the mansion that was its former home. They load up on Perrier (because the cat will only drink Perrier) and cat food and while they are looking around for clues they get caught and nothing happens to them. The story continues with more unlikely events. I wish I would have liked it. I really enjoy a good animal mystery. Laura Morrigan's Call of the Wilde series is so much better. Or try Blaize Clement's Dixie Hemmingway series."

Product details

  • File Size 2989 KB
  • Print Length 236 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Sweet Promise Press (March 28, 2019)
  • Publication Date March 28, 2019
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1  edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

Tags : Kitty Confidential (Pet Whisperer P.I. Book 1) - edition by Molly Fitz, Sweet Promise Press. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Kitty Confidential (Pet Whisperer P.I. Book 1).,ebook,Molly Fitz, Sweet Promise Press,Kitty Confidential (Pet Whisperer P.I. Book 1),Sweet Promise Press,Fiction / Mystery Detective / Cozy,Fiction / Mystery Detective / Women Sleuths

Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews :

Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • Kitty Confidential is the first sweet, cozy mystery by Molly Fitz. I was instantly interested due to the animal angle. I was really happy that I did read this because it's a good book that'll keep you guessing who done it until the answer is revealed.

    I found Angie to be a fun and likeable character. She was just a tad quirky, or maybe it just seemed that way since she can talk to animals. This works for Angie though because she has always been quirky - living with Nan until she was basically tossed out & being a career student who collects Associate Degrees...like many collect sports cards.

    I'm super happy this is going to be a series because I can't wait to get to know Angie, Nan, and Octo-Cat more! The write up for the next book that was in the very back already has me intrigued. Maybe a little romance in Angie's future? How's Octo-Cat going to get along with this terror in the next book. Oops! I meant terrier. The terrier in the next book. Although - maybe it should say terror since it sounds like Octo-Cat might be spending time with this spazzy canine. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. But after reading Kitty Confidential I'm sure the rest of the books will be great too!
  • Having cats of my own, I enjoyed “Kitty Confidential” and particularly Octo-Cat, wishing I could understand my own crew of felines better. This quirky, cozy mystery gives Angie Russo some real shocks as she gains an ability to communicate with animals and pursues the truth in the untimely death of her boss’s wealthy aunt, the former owner of Octo-Cat.

    I received a free advanced copy of this book and am voluntarily providing my honest review. I recommend “Kitty Confidential” to all lovers of cozy mysteries and animals, and look forward to more books in this series.
  • So-so. I give it three stars because there are no noticeable grammar or spelling errors, it has a plot and a theme, and moves along nicely. I haven't finished reading it yet because I keep getting bored and putting it aside. It doesn’t help that the name Octo-cat reminds me of Octo-mom of tabloid fame. If the cat was named “Bob” the whole thing would be much funnier. Angie has no idea how to be discreet, covert, or how to fly under the radar. She should actually wear a t-shirt that says, “I talk to octo-cat and he talks to me”. It would make her interactions with the other characters much more interesting. Octo-cat himself is a parody of cat behavior. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find out that the author not only doesn’t own a cat, but has actually never even seen a cat.
  • I usually have a fairly easy time suspending disbelief, especially in a talking animal mystery, but this one was over the top. It reminded me of a very inexperienced author's work. The cat protagonist was not particularly likable. The human protagonist seemed very ditzy. The storyline made very little sense. Angie is electrocuted and the result is an ability to hear animals. Okay, I can buy that. Then a cat, who just inherited a lot of money, tells her that his owner was murdered. Okay. Then Angie rushes back from the hospital to talk to the cat and asks to have custody of the wealthy cat, which she is given without a second thought. Then she and the cat break into the mansion that was its former home. They load up on Perrier (because the cat will only drink Perrier) and cat food and while they are looking around for clues they get caught and nothing happens to them. The story continues with more unlikely events. I wish I would have liked it. I really enjoy a good animal mystery. Laura Morrigan's Call of the Wilde series is so much better. Or try Blaize Clement's Dixie Hemmingway series.
  • I'm not quite sure what prompted me to pick up this book, probably an excerpt in Melissa Foster's newsletter. Although I read an occasional cozy mystery, I'm not particularly fond of those with a touch of paranormal or overly clever pets. However, KITTY CONFIDENTIAL succeeds on all fronts, and strangely enough, the main reason is the talking cat! First of all, because he is not really a talking cat Angie Russo, the human who eventually inherits him, and the cat converse in a deliberately unspecified way. Even they don't know if they understand each other in cat language or human language. I liked how everything happened, it didn't feel too far-fetched, but the most important reason why I felt it worked so beautifully is that Molly Fitz doesn't anthropomorphise the cat. Anyone who has ever had a cat will know what I mean. He does not have superpowers, he behaves like your typical cat, except that he and Angie can hold conversations. I also love how some conceps are totally foreign to him, and how he tells humans apart; it's very clever.

    KITTY CONFIDENTIAL is the first book in the Pet Whisperer P.I. series, and I enjoyed it so much, I have already preordered the three upcoming books. That, my friends, is confidence! Ms. Fitz smoothly introduces us to her world, without any info dumping, the writing flows effortlessly, the editing is almost flawless (there are literally only two typos), and I like where the series is going. I have only one issue, how Angie calls the cat Octo-Cat. His name is Octavius Maxwell Ricardo Edmund Frederick Fulton (and don't you dare make a mistake!). I prefer to mentally call him Octavius, because Octo-Cat makes me think of Octo Mom, and no, just no!

    I give 4 1/2 stars
  • I loved Kitty Confidential (even though I am a dog person. I think we get a dog in book two!). After being shocked by an old coffeemaker, Angie finds that she can talk to a sarcastic cat with too many names. Octo-Cat is much better! The cat tells Angie her mistress was murdered and wants help solving the case. I have no problem buying into talking animals so I was delighted with their constant snipping at each other as they worked to unravel the case. There were plenty of suspects before the case was closed. I am eagerly waiting book two in the series. I highly recommend this book.
More aboutDownload Kitty Confidential Pet Whisperer PI Book 1 edition by Molly Fitz Sweet Promise Press Religion Spirituality eBooks

PDF Deux bébés pour un séducteur Médecin et prince Blanche French Edition edition by Louisa Heaton Scarlet Wilson Literature Fiction eBooks

By Jared Hunter

PDF Deux bébés pour un séducteur Médecin et prince Blanche French Edition edition by Louisa Heaton Scarlet Wilson Literature Fiction eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 1815 KB
  • Print Length 276 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 2280414473
  • Publisher Harlequin (April 1, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 1, 2019
  • Sold by HarperCollins Publishers LLC
  • Language French

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