» Download Father Mine Zsadist and Bella Story A Black Dagger Brotherhood Novella edition by JR Ward Paranormal Romance eBooks
Jared Hunter on Saturday, 25 May 2019
Download Father Mine Zsadist and Bella Story A Black Dagger Brotherhood Novella edition by JR Ward Paranormal Romance eBooks

Product details - File Size 928 KB
- Print Length 496 pages
- Publisher Berkley (October 7, 2008)
- Publication Date October 7, 2008
- Language English

Father Mine Zsadist and Bella Story A Black Dagger Brotherhood Novella edition by JR Ward Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews
- Father Mine, a novella set in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is a story that I somehow seem to have missed out on when I first started reading the series in a frenzy. Anyone who has read my reviews on the books in the series would know that Zsadist is by far, my most favorite hero, and it is with excellent reason.
In Father Mine, the focus is on the continued struggle Zsadist has in terms of his past. A past that is as horrific as they come, where he had been taken as a blood slave, kidnapped at a tender age, and all sorts of atrocities subjected to him by the female that had kept him captive.
Zsadist comes with a wealth of pain in his heart, a soul that had numbed down in order to protect himself, an anger that had been destructive in its force and zeal that had simmered down upon mating with Bella. Even that had not been the easy journey that most romance stories would have made out of it. No. Zsadist had to work for every inch of peace he carved for himself, and the pregnancy along the way had just been another curveball that life had thrown his way.
It is in Father Mine that Zsadist’s past once again rears its ugly head in the form of nightmares that are all too realistic for him. Even though Bella knows that Zsadist’s inability to connect with their precious daughter Nalla comes from elements of his past, she has no idea of the depth of the horror that still has the ability to lock him down and get the best of him.
I believe that Father Mine and its conclusion was a much needed one in terms of Zsadist and Bella’s relationship. JR Ward’s love for Zsadist’s character shines through whenever she writes about him. Not that she doesn’t give it her all when it comes to other characters. But there is something special about the way she takes care of Zsadist, which is perhaps one of the reasons why a large percentage of readers fall, and fall hard for Zsadist and remain Zsadist loyalists throughout the series.
Bella’s insecurities as a woman who has given birth, whose physical and mental health had been subjected to a whole lot of ordeal in the process is also taken into context. The way Zsadist erased every single one of her doubts was just the icing on the cake when it came to this novella.
Loved, loved, loved this novella. An excellent installment in terms of Bella and Zsadist’s story to give their story the ultimate conclusion. Because just like real life doesn’t serve you with a happily ever after on silver platter, this made their love, pain, and struggles all the more believable and their happily ever after that much more worth it.
Recommended for fans of Zsadist!
Final Verdict Sheer perfection is Father Mine in every single sense. Nothing more, nothing less.
Rating = 5/5
Reviewed by MBR - Father Mine Zsadist and Bella's Story A Black Dagger Brotherhood Novella
By J. R. Ward
Genre Paranormal
I am a FREAKING ADDICT when it comes to the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I have read every book. I’ve just discovered the shorter Novellas, like this one, FATHER MINE, that were probably portions of bigger books that were cut to make the actual novels not-quite-so-long.
Got to tell you Not usually a fan of novellas. BUT, Ms. Ward’s novellas are perfectly wrapped up little gifts with bows. Beginnings, ends…perfect.
This one, Father Mine, is about the Black Dagger Brother Zsadist or “Z†and his Shellan (mate), Bella. It centers around the birth of their daughter, Nalla, and the emotional upheaval her birth creates is Z’s mind. Basically, Z experiences the post-partum depression that mothers usually do. He worries. Is he a good enough man to be a father? Will he hurt his daughter? Will she be ashamed of who he is? Typical worries but not a typical guy. Z is macho personified with a teddy bear heart.
It’s actually a very good short story. I loved it. PREFER the bigger better real novels. But, for a quickie this was kind of satisfying. - I never read anything that fell into the romance category. Perhaps I felt it beneath my station but I think most importantly I perceived of them all that they're all the same albeit this centers on vampires. Boy and girl vampire meet, have sex, and live happily forever after. An employee of mine told me several years ago about the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. She ended up daring me to read one and so I did. And now, I'm not ashamed to admit it but I am completely and utterly hooked and now count the days and months when the next book in the series is due to be released. Is there sex? Absolutely! But more importantly, Ward's ability to create such endearing characters makes for a fast paced read that besides the fact almost all of the players are vampires, their relationships are truly relatable. To me, it's one of those books where I purposely slow down the turning of the page so I can savor the ending but really it's because I simply don't want it to end. I've come to know all the characters so completely and intimately, frankly I miss them in between books. The reason for the four instead of five star rating is because it wasn't long enough but then again, they never are. As I await the next installment, I look forward to her latest book Bourbon Kings set to be released this summer. If it's anything like the BDB series, I'll be adding another item on my list of guilty pleasures.
- This novella was unnecessary. The story takes place after Zsadist and Bella's child, Nalla, is born. It's also after Dr. Jane is back with Vishous and is the doctor of the brotherhood and a clinic on site is being built.This novella was unnecessary. The story takes place after Zsadist and Bella's child, Nalla, is born. It's also after Dr. Jane is back with Vishous and is the doctor of the brotherhood and a clinic on site is being built. If you read it before you read the first five books in the series, you will be puzzled.
As Lover Unbound had so many POVs, this could have been added. It's not as if this book tied up loose ends. The original book didn't reveal that there were loose ends. It really leaves you with more unanswered questions which is not necessary a bad thing in a series of books. I guess books could be written about any of the other characters. We know another has been written about Wrath. The Black Dagger Brotherhood could be unending and unnecessary. Not that the books would get better.
If you're satisfied with the original end of Zsadist and Bella's story, don't read this one. It's not listed with the other books in the series even though it's a novella. Save your money and your time.