Download Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books

By Jared Hunter on Thursday 23 May 2019

Download Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books

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Download PDF Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books

Quiet the voices of "not good enough" and step courageously into guilt-free homeschooling

Many homeschool parents have a long-term relationship with self-doubt. "Did I make the right decision?" "Could someone else do this better?" "Am I robbing my kids of something by not sending them to ‘regular school’?"

What if there’s a better way?

Not a 3-step technique or a shiny, new curriculum, but a change in perspective that transforms the way you plan, teach, and homeschool?

Homeschool Bravely teaches you to see homeschooling as a calling, helps you overthrow the tyranny of impossible expectations, and guides you through the common bumps in the road, including how to

  • juggle school and parenting with toddlers at home
  • teach a struggling learner
  • plan with the end in mind
  • accept your own limitations without feeling guilty
  • stay the course even in the face of criticism

Reclaim your hope, renew your purpose, and transform your homeschool. Because the truth is God will use every part of your homeschool, even your fears, faults, and failures, to weave good plans for your kids.

Download Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books

"I think that overall, this book is good to read if you chose to homeschool because you feared public school. This book really played into how public school is scary and bad for our kids. She even contradicts herself in her reasonings. For example, early in the book she says not all fear is sin, and it can even be healthy because of course your fear of sending your kid to public school is justified. Later in the book she says that “fear will never lead you well because it speaks in falsehoods and cannot be trusted” when talking about fearing not being a good enough home schooler. So fear Should only guide you sometimes. She also paints public school in a negative light throughout the book. Listen, I’m passionate about homeschool but it is not better than regular schooling for most people. You should homeschool because you want to and out of tough decisions made in love but never in fear.
The end is better than the beginning, for sure. It is more encouraging and less fear based. She also has helpful lists of things to do with little ones while bigs are doing school. Also she has some good ideas for unschool-type starting places and some great questions to test book comprehension no matter the book read"

Product details

  • Paperback 208 pages
  • Publisher Moody Publishers (April 2, 2019)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0802418872

Read Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books

Tags : Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence (9780802418876) Jamie Erickson Books,Jamie Erickson,Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence,Moody Publishers,0802418872,Christian education - United States,Christian education;United States;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Home schooling - United States,Home schooling;United States;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,EDUCATION / Home Schooling,Education/Experimental Methods,Education/Home Schooling,FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS / Education,Family Relationships/Education,General Adult,Inspirational/Devotional - Christian,Jamie; Erickson; Jamie Erickson; homeschool; homeschooling; education; educating; raising children; children,Jamie;Erickson;Jamie Erickson,Non-Fiction,RELIGION / Christian Living / Personal Growth,RELIGIOUS,Religion/Ethics,United States,educating;raising children;children,homeschool;homeschooling;education

Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books Reviews :

Homeschool Bravely How to Squash Doubt Trust God and Teach Your Child with Confidence Jamie Erickson Books Reviews

  • This has to be the most encouraging book regarding homeschooling that I have ever read. Her words resonate deep within my heart and act as a bold reminder of why I love homeschooling so much. “God didn’t call you to homeschooling because you could handle it. He called you because He could handle it.” I almost feel like this book should have been titled Homeschool Boldly because Jamie constantly reminds us that this IS our calling.

    Jamie starts the book by “checking the wrong box.” What a perfect introduction to such an intimate journey. It's probably fair to say that nearly every seasoned home educator has had a moment or season when we had fear, doubt, insecurity not necessarily about why we homeschool but about how well we've done. Jamie provides the reminder that “if left unchecked, those fears can begin to suffocate and rob you of the many gifts of homeschooling that were the very reasons you chose this unconventional path in the first place.” Jamie continues that “in my own might, I would fail her; that’s true. I’m only human, after all. But He would never fail her.” I love that she constantly weaves bit of Bible-based encouragement throughout the book. She constantly whispers that with God at the helm, we will not fail.

    With raw honesty, Jamie relays the difficulties of homeschooling and reminds us that the “real challenge is finding your vision and passion for it and then firmly grabbing hold of that vision so the shaky days don’t break you.” Jamie bravely proclaims, “He called you to it.” Homeschool Bravely encourages those to make a firm commitment and anchor your homeschool in God's calling because as I've told many before, it's hard work and half-commitments just won't suffice.

    Jamie also dives into the topic of social media and poignantly points out that we are not meant to keep up with the elusive Joneses. She states, “No matter how hard you try to mirror the educational journey of someone else, you will never see the same outcome. What you’ll end up with instead is a life of discouragement….My homeschool isn’t supposed to look like yours, and yours isn’t supposed to look like mine.” How often do we compare ourselves, our curriculum, our kids to others. That can be the biggest detriment to ones homeschool. Jamie calls it like it is by saying that social media is simply “smoke and mirrors.” Jamie encourages readers to find their own awesome and focus on that. However, she drives the point home by saying, “The truth is, you will never learn to homeschool bravely until you take your eyes off social media, set them on Christ and the awesome He has given you.”

    I love that Jamie points out that, “sometimes your days will be homeschool and sometimes they will be homeschool.” There absolutely is a difference between the two and one day's lesson is not necessarily better than the other. Mark Twain said, “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” The book continues to say that, “Like an anchor threatening to pull you under, borrowing from “real” school can ruin your homeschool. If you’re to survive, and better yet thrive, you’ll need a new way of looking at teaching and learning at home.”

    When I first saw this book, I thought it was going to be another book for those that are considering homeschooling or those that are fairly new to it. We are 7 years in. I didn't expect to get much from this book as I've found contentment with our curriculum choices, our routines, etc. I was blown away. I would absolutely recommend this to any home educator regardless or how seasoned or new they are. Jamie beautifully weaves God's words and encouragement throughout the entirety of the book. It is beautiful.
  • I think that overall, this book is good to read if you chose to homeschool because you feared public school. This book really played into how public school is scary and bad for our kids. She even contradicts herself in her reasonings. For example, early in the book she says not all fear is sin, and it can even be healthy because of course your fear of sending your kid to public school is justified. Later in the book she says that “fear will never lead you well because it speaks in falsehoods and cannot be trusted” when talking about fearing not being a good enough home schooler. So fear Should only guide you sometimes. She also paints public school in a negative light throughout the book. Listen, I’m passionate about homeschool but it is not better than regular schooling for most people. You should homeschool because you want to and out of tough decisions made in love but never in fear.
    The end is better than the beginning, for sure. It is more encouraging and less fear based. She also has helpful lists of things to do with little ones while bigs are doing school. Also she has some good ideas for unschool-type starting places and some great questions to test book comprehension no matter the book read
  • I have never pre-ordered a book before, but when I read the title Homeschool Bravely, I knew that I needed to read it as soon as possible. I am a mother of 8 and have been homeschooling for over 10 years, and I have never felt brave in our homeschooling. Jamie Erickson's writing feels like a warm hug from a friend. Her words resonated with me so deeply, she truly understands the fears and insecurities that homeschooling mothers carry. But she doesn't just leave us with sympathy. She wipes our tears, dusts off our knees, and points us in the right direction with a cry of, "Onward and Upward!". She encourages us to press on with a clear vision and focus, being sure that God will fight our battles.

    Homeschool Bravely is thought provoking, inspiring, and full of practical ideas to handle times of stress and the toddler years. It is a must read for all of the stages of homeschooling, and I am sure I will be reaching for it again when fear tries to creep into my heart.
  • This book has been so encouraging. The author has written every word that I have felt this last year. There is great advice about young ones and older ones and for the time in your life that might be a bit chaotic. I have 3 grown children who I desperately wanted to homeschool but my own doubts about my ability to homeschool kept me from it. I knew no one who homeschooled there was not jumping on the Internet and finding a vast amount of information about homeschooling. Had I had this book back then, I would have found the courage to homeschool my children. We had a late in life son and I am now homeschooling him and this book has really encouraged me in my decision and this journey. BUY IT!! Lol