Read Mania The Night Walkers J R Johansson Books

By Jared Hunter on Friday 3 May 2019

Read Mania The Night Walkers J R Johansson Books

Product details

  • Age Range 12 and up
  • Grade Level 7 and up
  • Series The Night Walkers (Book 3)
  • Paperback 408 pages
  • Publisher Flux (July 8, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 073874431X

Mania The Night Walkers J R Johansson Books Reviews

  • Fast shipping. As far as book. This is the 3rd in the series.

    1st book awesome. Couldn't vwait to continue to the 2nd one.

    2nd book good tho not as much as the first. Somewhat predictable.

    This the 3rd one. Okay. Kind of slow tho read the 1st two so obviously had to finish the last.

  • I loved this series all the way through. Never a dull moment and I'm used to the more graphic books so it's hard to keep my attention, but I loved every minute of reading them. I plan to check out the other books from J.R. Johansson as well.
  • The ending was very beautiful. It left me torn. Very well written
  • great writer,held my interest throughout the series.
  • ***Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***

    Mania by J.R. Johansson
    Book Three of the Night Walkers trilogy
    Publisher Flux
    Publication Date July 8, 2015
    Rating 4 stars
    Source eARC from NetGalley

    Summary (from Goodreads)

    Jack and his half-brother Parker have no time to mourn the loss of their father, Daniel Chipp. With an attack by the body-stealing Takers imminent, the pair must put aside their grief and track down the ingredients of Daniel's formula--one that will rein in the power-hungry Takers--to keep their family and friends out of danger. Their only hope lies in a puzzle their father left behind, a riddle where each brother unknowingly possesses a piece of the solution. The puzzle sets them on a deadly path, spiraling between reality and the world of dreams where nothing and no one can be trusted entirely. And when Parker finds himself deep in the fray between the Takers and the other Night Walkers, it's up to Jack to complete the formula and save his brother's life.

    What I Liked

    THIS SERIES. I've always said, this series is way out of my comfort zone. Insomnia was/is not a book I'd usually pick up, but back in 2013, I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm not into horror (though this isn't really a horror series?), or creepy dark books like this series promised to be. Insomnia blew me away! It was one of my favorite books of 2013. Paranoia didn't impress me very much, but I soldiered on and picked up Mania a few months ago. I'm very pleased with how this series wraps up!

    In this final novel (I think it's the final novel?), Parker and Jack must work together to figure out how to create a chemical drug that their father had been working on for years. This formula will help Takers by reining in their power - thereby helping Waters, Builders, and your average humans be more safe from the Takers who mean harm. But the stakes get even higher when Parker is captured and tortured - Jack and the crew must find and put together the formula, before Parker ends up dead.

    This book is split between Parker and Jack - meaning, we get both of their first person points-of-view. Jack is the older half-brother, though not by much. He definitely sees Parker as his little brother, whom he needs to protect. But Jack trusts Parker, the only person he really trusts since Danny died.

    I've always liked Parker, so to be honest, I kind of missed having only his point-of-view! But Jack's point-of-view was interesting and illuminating. Johansson totally split the perspectives telling this book on purpose because, as we see from the summary, Parker and Jack get separated. So it was good to have both perspectives, both stories, especially when the boys were separated.

    I liked Parker and Jack. Parker is more likable, but Jack is more intriguing. Finn remains one of my favorite characters - he and I would totally get along and be best friends in real life. I want his t-shirt collection! Addie and Mia don't have much of a presence in this book. Chloe, a Taker, does have a huge presence. Jack struggles to trust Chloe, but it soon becomes clear that she isn't communicating with the Takers, and she wants to help Jack with the drug for Takers.

    This book is raw and goes pretty deep. Some of the things done to Parker... I cringed, my heart broke, I stopped reading. Trust me, the ending might seem happy (a little cliche, even), but I couldn't stop thinking about all that Parker had been through, in this book a lone. In the series. Someone give the guy a hug!

    There is romance in this book! I mentioned that Addie isn't really in this book - but she and Parker are a very strong pair. Jack gets his own romance! That was a surprise but totally obvious at the same time. Their relationship builds very slowly, but I love how far they come.

    I already mentioned some things about the ending - it's a very good ending! Very happy for most people, with a good amount of blood and gore and even death to make the ending not perfect, but satisfying. The series ends well, even though Parker definitely got the short end of the stick. I'm glad I decided to give Insomnia a shot, on a whim!

    What I Did Not Like

    Like I said above, some of the things done to Parker... not okay. I get it, it totally enhances the story and adds plausibility and character to the story's villain, but poor Parker! The guy could not catch a break! At one point towards the end, I wanted to punch Jack. He had no idea what Parker was going through, had gone through, and yet, he was demanding and controlling and pushing. Not cool, Jack.

    And I thought the ending was a tad bit *too* happy? It seemed like everyone got over the bad stuff REALLY quickly. Especially Parker... he should have PTSD or something. Or be depressed. Seriously, there was some messed up stuff going on in this book. I know it's a YA book, but Parker's reaction to all the trauma he suffered... doesn't seem plausible. Or maybe Parker is just that mentally and emotionally strong? Meh.

    Would I Recommend It

    This series took me way out of my comfort - I would never pick it up, on an average day. I can't remember what the push was, back in 2013, but I remember not seeing any reviews for the book, so it wasn't early reviews. That being said, I'm glad I gave this series a shot! The sequel was a bump in the road for me, but the series overall is great. So yes, I'd recommend the series overall. Binge-read them maybe, with the lights on, in the middle of the day.


    3.5 stars -> rounded up to 4 stars. A good conclusion to an interesting (and slightly scary) series! I've read all four of Johansson's books now (including Cut Me Free), and I'll definitely be looking out for more of her books in the future!
  • Mania was so awesome! It was and action-packed thriller with a whole lot of insane experiments and crazy powers and the imminent war between the Night Walkers... so exciting! I loved the concept of this series and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about where these powers came from. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but the origins of their powers reminds me of a Creepypasta called The Russian Sleep Experiment , which is one of my favorite short horror stories! I highly recommend that one!

    I was initially very excited for Jack’s POV in this dual POV book, and while I did enjoy it, I found myself wanting more Parker, soooo... yeah. Speaking of Parker, I hated seeing him go through all that torture. It was the WORST! I probably cried at one point or another. And Jack has a lot on his plate. I mean, saving Parker, for one, and finding the ingredients to the elusive formula their father was working on. A formula that could save all of the Night Walkers. No pressure, right? It’s gonna be fine...

    I adored this series! I loved the characters and seeing the Jack/Parker relationship grow and watching them interact and figure out how to be brothers.

    Mania was a great conclusion to The Night Walkers series and wrapped up everything nicely. I definitely recommend you read this one!