Read Online Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

By Jared Hunter on Sunday 5 May 2019

Read Online Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

Download As PDF : Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

Download PDF Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

START-UP NATION addresses the trillion dollar question How is it that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million, only 60 years old, surrounded by enemies, in a constant state of war since its founding, with no natural resources-- produces more start-up companies than large, peaceful, and stable nations like Japan, China, India, Korea, Canada and the UK?

With the savvy of foreign policy insiders, Senor and Singer examine the lessons of the country's adversity-driven culture, which flattens hierarchy and elevates informality-- all backed up by government policies focused on innovation. In a world where economies as diverse as Ireland, Singapore and Dubai have tried to re-create the "Israel effect", there are entrepreneurial lessons well worth noting. As America reboots its own economy and can-do spirit, there's never been a better time to look at this remarkable and resilient nation for some impressive, surprising clues.

Read Online Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

"It’s unfortunate that the beginning of the book focuses on the startup A Better Place, which went bankrupt and no longer exists, its concept of battery swapping proving unworkable. Wait for the new revised edition."

Product details

  • Paperback 336 pages
  • Publisher Twelve; Reprint edition (September 7, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0446541478

Read Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books

Tags : Start-up Nation The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle [Dan Senor, Saul Singer] on . <b>START-UP NATION</b> addresses the trillion dollar question How is it that Israel-- a country of 7.1 million,Dan Senor, Saul Singer,Start-up Nation The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle,Twelve,0446541478,Economic Conditions,Israel - Economic conditions,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Careers / General,BUSINESS ECONOMICS / Economic Conditions,Business Economics,Business Economics/Economic History,Business / Economics / Finance,Business/Economics,CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC SITUATIONS AND CONDITIONS,Career,Economic History,GENERAL,General Adult,History/Middle East - Israel Palestine,Israel,Middle East - Israel Palestine,Middle Eastern history,Non-Fiction,United States

Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books Reviews :

Startup Nation The Story of Israel Economic Miracle Dan Senor Saul Singer 8580001065236 Books Reviews

  • It’s unfortunate that the beginning of the book focuses on the startup A Better Place, which went bankrupt and no longer exists, its concept of battery swapping proving unworkable. Wait for the new revised edition.
  • The book shows in-depth observation to the development of Israel , from not only the technological development prospective, but more importantly , from a historical evolution prospective. the narrative from the writers are interesting yet breath-taking. I in particular like the style - writer shows the opinions from different key personnels from the interviews. this tells how experienced the writer is and showcase his extensive social network, both of these add credibility to the book.

    From the book, I learned a lot about the Israelis histories (that i didn't know before the read, or, not in such structural form) and more importantly , the subtle cultures in the everyday Israelis lives . and it's the culture + history that makes the Israel now. it's very much like the evolution of Silicon Valley - the culture and history.

    i highly recommend this book to those who are interested in knowing Israel more , culturally and evolution past.

    the minor side the book is, it doesn't cover much of how the region belief in the Israelis lives. as belief lives in their blood. it will be great to have this piece of information more widely covered.
  • Caught accurately the characteristics of the Jewish nation that enables such an extraordinary entrepreneurship culture. The concept of cluster from Michael Porter is magnificently exemplified in the Israel economy.
    What I miss is the fact that the faith of this holy nation is the glue that holds them together, inspire and strengthen them. If we do not consider this, we might build clusters but with no results.
  • I believe there are many out there similar to myself that only understand Israel from the news either on wars, attacks or peace agreements.

    This book is a lovely insight into Israel’s sense of purpose that drives so many successful start-ups to be developed from this tiny nation. Yes prior to this book I have heard of ICQ and the mighty unit 8200 but not much else.

    The key take away from the book are their sense of purpose, mission driven and risk taking culture that enables so much innovation to be born from the country.

    Great read.
  • I appreciated this book so much I lent it to my boss to read before his first trip to Israel. Fantastic research, reporting, writing. My only criticism is that the brief mention of Haredim leaves the impression that Haredi men, an astounding percentage of whom (73%) do not work, would want to work if they had the opportunity. That Israeli society has unfairly excluded them. This is a mistaken impression. Since the Haredi life is all-encompassing and Torah study a full time occupation, secular work for men is considered a last resort. (Women do work, even those with many children, and they are valiant and overburdened.) Haredi families need economic support, preferably life long, partly from the Israeli government and to some degree from religious Jews in America. The productive segment of Israeli society is bearing the economic weight of supporting large religious families whose fathers could earn, but choose not to. How long will the most marketable, most entreprenurial Israelis continue to support poor-by-choice Haredim? Israel is suffering a severe brain drain. All around me I see educated, vibrant, secular young Israelis working and living in New York City. They have a choice where to live. A severe economic problem for Israel.
  • An amazing book everyone in business should read. Especially the tech side of business. It really opens your mind to so many things you never knew and wish you did to understand why so many Israelis are so successful in business. Def. one of my favorite books and a book I'm very happy to recommend to my associates and Friends. A++
  • Startup Nation is the super creative spotlight that shines the light on why such a small isolated nation, filled with handicaps and limited resources, has flourished.

    Startup nation examines how and why the creative process is different than almost every other industrialized nation. The startup business process is a fight, a struggle within that produces energy,growth and change.

    This should be a must read for anyone interested in the application of the creative to foster creative minds that can adjust and produce results within a group setting.

    Korea, both South and North Korea, the Tiger and Mouse of Asia could well follow this example.Few countries around the world implement such a simple concept.War,peace,growth,and sound economic policy can create a strange bedfellow of success.

    This book should be a first week read for any business school freshman and a first day read for any student of psychology.

    Troytex in Texas Sept.18, 2010
  • It is beyond a praise for Judaism.
    There is a comparison between Israel, Korea, Singapore, Finland, Arab countries.
    There are statistical facts showing the status of Israel in terms of economic and cultural aspects.
    I am surprised to see the similarity of infrastructure and chosen moves to form an ecomomic development for a new established countries such as Turkey and Israel. It seems Israel has understood Mustafa Kemal Ataturk better than us.
    I admit Israel has performed better than Turkey in terms of developing a brand new nation.