PDF My iPhone for Seniors Covers iPhone 7/7 Plus and other models running iOS 10 3rd Edition Brad Miser Books

By Jared Hunter on Friday 3 May 2019

PDF My iPhone for Seniors Covers iPhone 7/7 Plus and other models running iOS 10 3rd Edition Brad Miser Books

Product details

  • Series My...
  • Paperback 720 pages
  • Publisher Que Publishing; 3 edition (November 25, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0789758172

My iPhone for Seniors Covers iPhone 7/7 Plus and other models running iOS 10 3rd Edition Brad Miser Books Reviews

  • This is a great book for non-techies.
    There are step by step instructions including pictures. I sit my Fire tablet next to my phone and go through each step. I feel like I am learning to use my iphone like I never would without this book. It was well worth the money. In these days when there are no Operating manuals a book like this is great for senior citizens. I expect to be a whiz at the iphone in no time. Thanks for a great operator's manual for a highly technical device.
  • Wow what an amazing book for newbies and old hands too. Lots and lots and lots of information. I am still working my way through this thick, well-laid out, full of graphics and step-by-step instructive book on how to set up, how to become acquainted with, and how to use the features and apps of my brand new Apple iPhone 7 Plus w/ 256 GB. It is my first ever Apple phone so I really had to start from below basement level in learning how to use it. At first I thought I would only have to watch how-to videos on Youtube, but that only frustrated me, because I would have to pause the video, then try something on my iPhone, then look up again at the video, which could not go s-l-o-w-l-y enough for me while I fumbled with my iPhone. Now I've been using this textbook to support and complement what I am learning at the free group workshops offered by the Apple store in my city. After I've had a workshop, I refer to this book for more detail, and practice what we covered in the workshop. There is so much this little iPhone hand held computer can do that cannot be covered in an all too brief, intensive hour-long workshop. I've taken 3 different "Apple iPhone Basics" workshops and each workshop taught a different feature or app. Each iPhone feature and app takes so much time to really practice and use. Plus, each time I discover a new feature or app, this book teaches you in a logical, easy to understand way what it is for and how to apply it. I purchased the iPhone 7 Plus because of the really neat camera and this book is a great crutch for me in learning how to become better at using just he camera. I am a oldie (over 65 yo) and I think I'm a visual and auditory learner so I really appreciate the amount of information as well as the way the information is presented by author Brad Miser who has put together this tome for newbies-to-high-tech. I showed my copy of this book to one of my classmates in one of the Apple workshops I recently attended; he was eager to order his own copy. Thank you, Brad Miser, for helping me to get up to speed on my iPhone. Now I am lusting after the Apple wrist watch. But first, I have to become more adept with my iPhone. Anyone, even long time iPhone users, will greatly appreciate this learn-as-you-turn-each-page book.
  • Never have I been so disappointed in a book that I bought to both asist a senior friend and myself in learning something new! This author has NO IDEA what seniors need in an instruction book! First of all if one buys a book especially for seniors, the obvious reason is that they are NOT going to be tech savvy. Otherwise, they'd just buy a regular manual or instruction book. They want the BASICS, simple step by step instruction on how to make and receive phone calls, how to retrieve voicemail, how to send and receive texts from the kids and grandkids, not all the complicated "cool" new technical things you can do with this phone BEFORE you even address the basics! it's fine to include the more complicated operations in a second section of the book, but you should be building their confidence first -- not overwheming them with excess verbiage about tricky operations. I am terribly disappointed!
  • This book covers iPhone 7/7 Plus and iOS 10, so it won't be irrelavent soon. As of May 2017, iOS 10.3.1 has been out for about a month. Even if you haven't updated to the latest/greatest version (there are good and bad points to constantly updating, and you have to make up your own mind about doing it), this book is a must have, must read for the low price, plus free Prime shipping. We like this for the large print and clear illustrations, and also have the iPad for Seniors version (different author). The book is somewhat heavy, but there's nothing like having a good reference volume, that doesn't have to always be connected to wi-fi, in order to learn how to use. We'll likely gift this book to a friend or family member after the next new version is released at the end of the year. Hopefully, all iPhone/iPad users are reading up on why you should have a good VPN installed on your iPhone/iPad, at least for all of your wi-fi use; even though your device is encrypted, your over the air or wi-fi stream (phone or ipad) isn't; it's important to find out, now that all ISPs mine and can sell everything you touch/click and think about. If you have an iPhone 6 to 7 (plus) iPhone, this book will cover many areas you never thought of, no matter how long you've had an iPhone. Whether you use iCloud, or not, it's difficult to use iCloud as Apple intends if you -don't- have an unlimited data plan or wi-fi, but the book does touch on much of what iCloud is/isn't. If you have enough bandwidth, then you can do anything on iPhone wi-fi, that you can with an iPad. If you like books, then you'll like owning this book. As a last mention, there are Apple (and many non-Apple) user forums online, full of solid information that can help you learn almost anything you want to know. This is a great companion for the iPad for Seniors. We hope our fellow ians find our review and this book useful.
  • Have the book for the iPad as well. Both are excellent. I run classes for Seniors on the iPhone and iPad and this reference manual was very helpful for me to prepare and to create some easy hand outs for those in the class. The pictures are especially helpful for a beginner.