» Read Online The Art of Magic The Gathering Ravnica James Wyatt Books
Jared Hunter on Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Read Online The Art of Magic The Gathering Ravnica James Wyatt Books

Product details - Series The Art of Magic The Gathering
- Hardcover 240 pages
- Publisher Perfect Square (January 1, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1974705528

The Art of Magic The Gathering Ravnica James Wyatt Books Reviews
- I pre-ordered this book and was not disappointed. If you are into the art and lore of Magic The Gathering this is a must have. The book has weight with solid binding and when gently opened there was no cracking sounds like a cheap coffee table book. This is a high-quality production book. If you are like me and had to strain your eyes to appreciate the artwork, this book is a godsend as many of the illustrations are enlarged to fully appreciate the details by your favorite artists.
For those who have been following the lore of Innistrad, this book further adds details you won't get from Wizards site thanks to James Wyatt's contribution to the details (for example"Nahiri has played on their discontent and given them new masters to serve."). I really think Wyatt's deep background from the early days of D&D was invaluable for the book. In fact, the book reads like a classic D&D Dragon Magazine article which further expounds on the general lore.
Back to the artwork, there are many two-page spreads of cards from SOI and even Eldritch Moon! Perhaps they timed the release intentionally! I read some reviews that the previous artbook for BFZ block had low resolution but that's nonsense after seeing the prints in this book. The details are amazing.
The appendix is really fantastic as it delves into how and why Innistrad mechanics are so special. Unfortunately, upon initial look, it doesn't include Eldirtch Moon's mechanics like Meld but it's still a fascinating look into how Wizards R&D operates.
All in all, this is one of my favorite MTG item of all time aside from the cards themselves.There is so much flavor and information about the Innistrad plane. I hope Wizards will continue this tradition with Kaledesh and beyond to satisfy the hard-core lore lovers like myself!
Plus I love the fresh smell of the book, it has a very much a "new car" smell. - This book is awesome! Don't be fooled by the name which is a bit of a misnomer. While this book does have full pages, 3/4 pages and half pages of artwork it also contains ALL of the plot of both the Innistrad and Shadows Over Innistrad blocks. It includes everything from the basic background of the plane to character bios and the story from the creation of vampirism on Innistrad to the creation of Avacyn all the way through the end of the Eldritch Moon storyline. This book is an awesome buy for anyone who loves Magic or is just an avid fantasy/gothic horror fan. You don't have to know the game to get into it, in fact it is solely story based. It is an awesome buy with the quality that exceeds the price tag.
- How about we talk about the currently latest in the The Art of Magic The Gathering.. Ravnica
As with all the other's in this series of looks into the multiverse of MTG, Ravinca is an excellent book of art put together from across the main two sets of the current story arc in the card game. As with the rest of the books the artwork is the best feature as well as the accompanying world building lore that you get only the briefest scraps of in the cards themselves. The most of the chapters focus on each of the ten Guilds of the Cityscape plane of Ravinica.
After the usual MTG explanations of the colors of Magic, Planeswalkers etc come the brief overview chapter of the world of Ravnica at large. The the meat of the book begins with each of the Guild focused chapters.
The Azorius Senate. the Blue/White Lawmakers of the Plane.
The Orzhov Syndicate, a White/Black "church" front led by the greedy spirits of the long dead preying on the living followers
House Dmir, The Black/Blue spymasters guild. spies, informants, assassins and others that the other guilds hire to get the dirt on each other, all the while keeping enough for themselves to make their own power plays.
The Izzet League, a group of Blue/Red research magicians and artificers making what they can because "FOR SCIENCE!" led by an ancient dragon.
The Cult of Rakdos, Black/Red demon worshiping sadists who praise their master by offering up the most entertaining show they can.
The Golgari Swarm, Black/Green denizens of the deep city, sewers, and decayed areas. Life and Death are the cycle they believe in.
The Gruul Clans, Wild groups of Green/Red savage tribes who detest the city and destroy all vestments of civilization they come across.
The Boros Legion, White/Red Army and righteous law enforcement of the Plane. Led by Angels into glorius battle against the forces that would threaten the peace of the plane.
The Selesnya Conclave, Green/White the ones at peace with Nature who wish to return the city to a more beautiful natural state led by a trio of dryads who interpret the voice of the World Tree.
And then the Simic Combine the Green/Blue biomancer opposites of the Izzet league. Willing to experiment on themselves with combining each other with other lifeforms to improve themselves.
The next chapter then go into some of the backstory of the underlying plot the game at large has told with the chapter "Claws of the Mastermind". Diving into the plot and machinations of Nicol Bolas as they come together on Ravnica leading into the next "War of the Sparks" set.
Lastly we end at a short look at how each of the Guilds have changed over the last 14 years in the three major visits to Ravnica we have seen.
And that's kind of the issue I have with the Artbooks on returning worlds. It makes sense for the books to primarily focus on the newer sets to promote them, but for worlds like Dominaria and Ravnica with so much previous to draw from it would be great alone to draw more from the older sets as well to see how much things have changed. But overall the book is another great look at the art and lore of the current world the game is set in now.